

WHY 1: The project is to discover the dynamic field between the object as an architecture and space and a location in a temporary condition; as this temporarily with no fixation on semiotics and language, any notion of a subject, subject finds realization and reconciliation with it's vibrating truth. with no fixed nature or inveterate tendency. In the space between science art and philosophy... The SCIENCE of emerging technologies describes the collective behavior of decentralized but self-organized system in a context of time... concept of rhythm of object in time concerns the repetition of a measure at a frequency that changes the geometry of location. The entropy of the system cause it to operate and it comes from .... . The ART of production of an infinite subjective series as morphic gestures through the finite means of a material subtraction. Art is the impersonal production of a truth by means of architecture that is addressed to everyone. the transformation of the sensible into an happening of the Idea.

WHY 2: In architecture we have almost all sectors of knowledge. Recently the idea of rhythm has entered to the realm of knowledge instead of remaining just the object of art. This project tries to discover the dynamic field between the object as an architecture and space in a temporary condition; increasing the speed of time and discovering the rhythm between components in a polyrythmic system to reification (thingfication) a concept which is rhythm of matter/mood/...


HOW:Each event leave a trace in the world full of bodies. we can record this events via their trace to an abstract body. This is what science does. Also we can trace the abstract events via their trace to a concrete object or gesture. This is what art does.The project works through the combonation of these two methods combine to translate an event to another concrete event through the geometry of an object and it's location. ie. pattern can be read to a rhythm and the rhythm make an object to perform

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